
  1. Weapons are to be used as a last resort in self-defense and not in an aggressive manner.

  2. The force used should always be the minimum to achieve the objective.

  3. If an individual use more force than is necessary, he may be liable disciplinary action.

  4. All personnel must apply good judgement to any given situation and should work on the premise of minimum force.

  5. To ensure that all personnel involved with the use of weapons fully understand the rules of engagement the following guidelines have been drawn up.  Any individual authorized to carry a weapon must first read and sign a copy of these rules before being issued a weapon.

  1. The following rules will apply to all Authorized SSC weapons issued used while on duty.

  2. In all situations, minimum force necessary must be used.  Firearms must only be used as a last resort.

  3. On duty weapons, will be maintained in the following state. No round in the chamber and safety on.

  4. For safety and readiness, it will be assumed by all personnel that all weapons are loaded.

  5. The following rules will apply to all Authorized SSC weapons issued used while on duty.

  1. Personnel may only open fire against another person or persons If he or they are committing or about to commit an act likely to endanger life and there is no other way to prevent the danger.  

  2. Whenever possible a challenge should be issued prior to opening fire: Stop or I will shoot’, to be repeated twice. Only in these circumstances is the use of lethal force justified without first issuing a challenge.

  3. If the person or persons do not respond to the challenge and the threat still remains and there is no other way to prevent serious injury or loss of life to yourself or those you are employed to protect will you be justified, then and only then in the use of lethal force.

  4. There could be circumstance when the issuing of challenge would put yourself or those that you are employed to protect in increased danger of serious injury or loss of life.

  5. A vehicle is being deliberately driven through the check point/barrier with the intention of causing serious injury or death to yourself or those that you are employed to protect.

  6. A clear indication that an individual or group, is about to use a weapon or weapons that will endanger life to yourself or those that you are employed to protect.

  7. An individual, or group, is planting, detonating or throwing explosives device which could endanger life to yourself or those that you are employed to protect.

  8. If it is known that person or persons have just killed or injured a member of the security team or employee or employees by such means and will not surrender when challenged and there is no other way to apprehend him or them.

  9. If a member of the Security Personnel is required to open fire he must:

    • First clearly identify a target before opening fire.

    • Fire only aimed single shots.  Warning shots are not to be used.

    • Fire no more rounds than are necessary.
    • Take all reasonable precautions not to injure any innocent bystanders in the vicinity of the target.
  1. As soon as possible after an incident involving the use of firearms, a written report shall be submitted to the SAAFI SECURITY COMPANY (S.S.C)  MANAGEMET / CEO and Project Manager.

    • All SAAFI SECURITY PERSONNEL (S.S.C) personal authorized to carry arms and ammunition must have read and individually signed the Rules of Engagement (ROE) Form.

    • ROE must be covered on the initial in country brief and regularly discussed.  Any changes in the overall situation must be noted and the ROE reviewed.

    • All armed personnel must have a copy of the ROE at their place of duty and are liable to questioning on its implementation any time of day or night.

At SAAFI SECURITY COMPANY, we aim to foster good relations amongst employees and between employees and management. We acknowledge that the enjoyment you experience in your job is reflected in how well you work and how well you relate to your colleagues and customers.

We also acknowledge that problems can arise at work that may sometimes cause you to feel aggrieved. These problems can sometimes arise from the behaviour or decisions of management or other employees.

The purpose of this policy is to allow you to have such problems, referred to as grievances, addressed internally in a timely and confidential manner.

A grievance can be about anything done, or not done, by management or another employee or employees, which you feel affects you unfairly or unjustly. A grievance can also be about discrimination, harassment, bullying or any other employment related decision or behaviour that you think is unfair, unjust or upsetting.

This Grievance Handling Policy of SAAFI SECURITY COMPANY outlines the procedures you should follow to try to resolve a grievance and also outlines the steps SAAFI SECURITY COMPANY will take to resolve your grievance if you make a formal complaint.

In so far as this policy imposes any obligations on SAAFI SECURITY COMPANY, those obligations are not contractual and do not give rise to any contractual rights. To the extent that this policy describes benefits and entitlements for employees, they are discretionary in nature and are also not intended to be contractual. The terms and conditions of employment that are intended to be contractual are set out in an employee’s written employment contract.

What are your options if you have a grievance?

In general, there are three options to consider if you have a grievance, being:

  • Deal with the matter informally – A grievance can be dealt with informally by approaching the involved in your grievance, if you feel comfortable in doing so. You can tell them that their behaviour, decision, actions, etc. was unfair, offensive, discriminatory etc., and why you believe this to be so. The person may have been totally unaware of the affect of their behaviour or decision on you. By telling them you will give them a chance to redress the situation. This may not be appropriate in some cases, particularly if you do not feel comfortable speaking to the person.
  • Speak to your manager or senior Supervisors – If you do not want to speak to the person directly, you can tell your manager or Supervisor about your grievance. They should be able to tell you what your options are. They may approach the person complained about and talk to them informally about your grievance. They may decide to take more formal action. Generally, they will seek your approval before doing anything – although sometimes they may decide that taking action will be necessary even if you do not wish them to do so (for example where failure to do so poses a health and safety risk). If your grievance is about your manager, you may wish to speak to another senior person. Alternatively, you may decide to make a formal complaint.
  • Make a formal complaint – If you do decide to make a formal complaint, this can be done by putting the complaint in writing and reporting it to your manager (or other senior person). The written complaint should contain a description of the incident(s), decision, behaviour in question, the time and date of the incident(s), the names of any witnesses, your signature and date of the complaint.

If you make a formal complaint how will you grievance be handled?

Grievances will be handled in accordance with the following guidelines:

  • Grievances will be treated with the utmost confidentiality (except where the Company deems it is necessary to disclose the complaint for the purpose of dealing with it effectively; disclosure will be no wider than is strictly necessary). It is important that you also maintain confidentiality and do not discuss your complaint with others, unless the Company gives you permission to do so;
  • Any grievance will be taken seriously, handled impartially, and any steps taken will be in accordance with the principles of procedural fairness;
  • Employees who raise grievances are protected from victimisation;
  • Grievances will be dealt with promptly, taking into account all the circumstances; and Generally, you may have a support person with you at any stage of the process.

The Investigation

Where a grievance cannot be resolved informally, and the company deems an investigation is required, the matter will be investigated by such appropriate person as the Company deems appropriate. This may be an external investigation.

How the investigation is to be conducted is at the complete discretion of SAAFI SECURITY COMPANY. The following are general guidelines only.

During the investigation, you will generally be interviewed first, following which any witnesses, the person against whom the complaint is made, and any other relevant people will be independently interviewed. Both you and the person against whom the complaint is made will generally be allowed to have a support person present when the interview is being conducted.

If the complaint is substantiated, appropriate action will be taken (see below);

If the complaint is unsubstantiated, you will generally be given an explanation as to why that finding was made;

If the complaint is found to have been fabricated or vexatious, appropriate disciplinary action may be taken against you up to and including termination of employment.

What are the possible outcomes?

If the investigation reveals that your complaint is valid, a number of actions may be taken, depending on the nature of the complaint. The person against whom the complaint is made may be asked to give you a written apology, he/she may be given a written warning, counselling, transfer, demotion, or may be subjected to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

If the investigation is inconclusive, i.e. the complaint cannot be proved due to lack of evidence or the conduct is not sufficiently serious to justify disciplinary action, SAAFI SECURITY COMPANY may nevertheless take a number of actions. These may include training and/or monitoring of relevant staff.

If the complaint is found to have been completely fabricated or raised vexatiously, appropriate action may be taken against you in accordance with the Disciplinary and Termination Policy including counselling, an official formal warning, transfer, demotion, or disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances.

What if you are not satisfied with the outcome?

If you are not satisfied with the way in which your grievance was handled, you may have the option of raising your complaint with an outside agency or You may also able to take further action in the court. In appropriate circumstances you may wish to seek advice from a union or lawyer.





We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.  We consider all applicants for all positions, without regard to race, color, religion, creed, gender, national origin, age disability (except under such circumstances as job performance may be inhibited), marital or veteran status, sex, or any other legally protected status.  We abide by the same Equal Opportunity policy in our decisions for promotion and discipline. We will make every effort to provide our clients with the highest quality of personnel available.  Before an applicant is considered for employment, they must meet the following minimum qualification requirements:

  • Successfully complete our application to include a reference check of their three-year work history.
  • High school Diploma or Equivalency.
  • Successfully complete our application to include a reference check of their three-year work history.
  • Be a permanent resident and be able to read, write and speak the English Language properly.
  • Pass a criminal background investigation.
  • Provide three personal references for our background check.
  • Have reliable transportation.
  • Submit their photographs and fingerprints.
  • Pass a pre-placement employment physical exam (to ensure they are physically capable of performing required tasks).
  • Pass an eleven-panel pre-placement drug test

Equal Employment Opportunity
In order to provide equal employment and advancement opportunities to all individuals, employment decisions at SAAFI SECURITY COMPANY (S.S.C)  will be based on merit, qualifications, and abilities. Except where required or permitted by law, employment practices will not be influenced or affected by an applicant’s or employee’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Personal Selection

Selective Recruiting

Less than 10% of those who apply for employment are even considered. The first step to effective performance is the selection of personnel who meet the specified qualifications required for the job.

Criminal Record/Drug Screening

Our current pre-employment process includes in-depth interviews by a trained personnel specialist, background investigations, and criminal record checks by our staff investigators.  Applicants must also pass a physical examination including narcotic oriented screening.  We currently use an eleven-panel pre-placement screening system.

Screening:  Police/Fingerprint/License

Finally, they must pass police department screening of photo, fingerprint, and license statements.  It is understood that if an applicant has recently moved to the area, police screening will be obtained from the applicant’s home state.  All Property Security Services, SAAFI SECURITY SERVICE (S.S.C) employees are routinely licensed in the jurisdiction to which they are assigned.

The quality we bring to your environment begins long before you see our security officers. The Board of Directors at SAAFI SECURITY SERVICE (S.S.C) has resolved to make the recruitment and training of our personnel the key to our success; in that, we conduct hiring initiatives on a regular basis as per the applicants required.  

Permanent Schedules

When possible, it is the policy of SAAFI SECURITY SERVICE (S.S.C) to hire only full-time officers to regular 40-hour permanent schedules.  While the greater portion of our officers falls into this category, we do have a small cadre of part-time employees who fill swing shifts, or special assignments.  All current contractual obligations are therefore satisfied.

Taking over another Contract Security Companies contract, or when conducting a proprietary conversion, it is SAAFI SECURITY SERVICE (S.S.C) policy to interview and offer employment to the personnel of the client.  Those individuals must also pass our pre-employment screening procedures and have the approval of the client.
No Minimum Wage Employee

All SAAFI SECURITY SERVICE (S.S.C)   personnel are paid not only a rate far above minimum wage, but by far, above the industry standard.

Training for Supervisory Staff

Supervisory and managerial employees also need job-related training if they are to have a positive influence on the personnel they direct.  All SAAFI SECURITY SERVICE (S.S.C) supervisors attend in-house training classes on techniques of supervision and management, company regulations and policies, equipment maintenance, and specific duties.  In addition, they are scheduled to attend supervisory training sessions at Associated Training and Security. 

 This course covers such subjects as communication, delegation of tasks, basic supervision, line/staff concept, and maintaining records.  Before actual assignment, new supervisors are also trained on-the-job by accompanying experienced supervisors on several shifts.  Ongoing training is provided during roll-call meetings and by “Training Keys” written especially for them.

SAAFI SECURITY SERVICE (S.S.C) is committed to the concept that training is an essential element in the quest to provide professional, quality service to our clients.


